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Guidelines for All Documents

   General Information

Proclamations are issued by the Office of the Mayor to provide an opportunity for the Mayor to recognize exceptional people, groups or events in Springfield. The goal of a proclamation is to distinguish and celebrate the extraordinary achievements of our residents and not-for-profit organizations, to honor occasions of importance and significance to their work in our community and to increase public awareness of issues with the hope of improving the well‐being of the citizens of Springfield.  Proclamations recognize a day, week, in some cases the month and other times they provide commendation on behalf of the city.

The Office of the Mayor receives numerous requests throughout the year for proclamations and letters of support from the Mayor. The Mayor's Office makes the determination of honoring requests. Following are the guidelines for these types of requests.

   Guidelines For All Documents

  • Any document request must be in writing, preferably in electronic format.
  • Due to the importance of a proclamation, only a limited number are issued by the City each year. All proclamation requests are reviewed and approved by the mayor. Not all proclamation requests are granted.
  • Requests need to be made at least two weeks prior to the due date. Due date is the date the completed document is required for pick up, mail out or presentation.
  • Language sent by the requester may be edited or revised without notice at the discretion of the Mayor's Office.
  • The event must have a direct impact on the City of Springfield.
  • The type of document prepared by the Mayor's Office will be selected by the Mayor for appropriateness and in some cases may be different from the request.


City of Springfield
Municipal Center East 800 E. Monroe
Springfield, IL 62701

Submit a Request

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