Before and After Photos of Projects


  • Wm. Vans: The City assisted business owner with the cost of physically relocating this historic structure to its current site.
  • St. Georges: The City assisted the developer with costs associated with adaptively reusing and renovating the second and third stories of a mid-century office building in downtown Springfield to create residential units.
  • Façade program: The City assisted with restoration of various building facades across downtown.
  • Enos Park – selected properties: The City partnered with the Enos Park Neighborhood Association to develop a neighborhood master plan, as well as in the acquisition and rehabilitation of properties to improve the neighborhood utilizing tax increment financing.
  • Hy-Vee: The City assisted Hy-Vee is offsetting $2.5million in costs associated with rehabilitating a blighted former big box property into a full-service Hy-Vee grocery/restaurant/gas station/coffee shop.
  • Park South: Formerly the location of the Fiat Allis plant, Park South was established as a TIF district intended to recreate the industrial site into a business Park. TIF incentives were used to locate new retail and office enterprises, as well as the Springfield, Illinois field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • Pepsi: The City worked with Pepsi Co. to keep its local distribution hub within the city limits by helping offset costs of a new facility in the City’s Far East TIF district.
  • Springfield Art Association: The City assisted with the first floor restoration of Edwards Place in 2015. The SAA capital project includes the remodel of exhibition gallery, restoration of Edwards Place, upgrades to the main studios, construction of a new building to house ceramics, metals, and glass blowing.
  • Artist Residency Program: The City partnered with SAA to create the Enos Park Residency for Visual Artists. This Program offers 1-12 month residencies for visual artists who have an emphasis on community engagement.
  • MJs Fish & Chips: The City helped provide 50% of the acquisition costs for this local business to locate in a vacant former restaurant space within the historic Enos Park neighborhood.
  • Illinois Association of Realtors – Bicentennial Plaza: The City provided funding to the Illinois Association of Realtors to construct a pedestrian plaza in commemoration of Illinois’ 2018 Bicentennial.
  • Kidzeum: Kidzeum will rehabilitate. The current plan is to renovate approximately the Schnepp & Barnes Printing Building on East Adams, totaling 18,900 square feet of the 24,000 square feet available, with room for future expansion. TIF funds were used for acquisition, façade renovation, ADA, and fire suppression.
  • DSI ARTification: The City provided funding to Downtown Springfield, Inc. (DSI) to establish an Artification program, which included the completion of two large-scale murals in downtown Springfield and a “creative crosswalk” celebrating Abraham Lincoln family’s connection to Springfield.