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Citywide Exterior Rehabilitation Program Application
The City of Springfield’s Citywide Exterior Rehabilitation Program is a matching grant program that provides up to $15,000 of assistance to property owners of
residential owner-occupied properties
for permanent improvements not located in a TIF or Cannabis Grant District.*
The City has designated a portion of fines collected from housing violations to create this program to achieve the following goals:
Provide financial assistance to homeowners who wish to enhance their investment in the neighborhood;
Provide financial assistance to homeowners to assist in correcting exterior housing and building code violations;
Improve the quality of life for homeowners and residents in the areas by assisting them with repairs or property improvements;
Preserve and enhance the quality of the neighborhood;
Increase the equalized assessed valuation of properties within the corporate limits of the City of Springfield;
Catalyze further investment within the corporate limits of the City of Springfield.
Unsure if you are in the City Wide District? You may review the City’s online map to see if your home would qualify for the Citywide program.
Click here
and type your address in the search box.
*Current TIF Districts include Enos Park, Far East and SHA. The Cannabis Grant District is the area bounded by Carpenter Street on the north, Ash Street on the south, Dirksen Parkway on the east and 10th Street on the west. Talk with staff about these neighborhood programs.
View TIF Districts
View Cannibis Grant Districts
Available Assistance
The Rehabilitation Program will provide up to $15,000 in assistance to Homeowners for qualifying residential improvements. The program is a 50/50 matching grant program. This means the homeowner will pay 50% of the total project cost. The City of Springfield will pay the remaining 50% upon an approved final inspection.
Applications will be received by City staff and will be reviewed and approved on a first come, first served basis, as funds are available.
The application must be received and the homeowner must sign contract before beginning the project.
An assistance agreement and five-year recap agreement will be executed between the homeowner and the City
Program Details (PDF Version)
Program Application (PDF Version)
Eligible Improvements
Eligible exterior improvements include repair and/or replacement of the following:
Exterior painting or siding
Tuck-pointing, masonry
Porches and exterior stairs
Accessibility ramps (ADA ramps)
Cost of repairs to address housing and building code violations (example: exterior weatherhead)
Other Requirements
Property taxes must be current
No City liens or other City debt may exist on the property
Property must have active homeowner’s insurance coverage.
Repairs that would be made under a homeowner’s insurance policy will not be covered.
Property owner must qualify under HUD income guidelines. This means homeowners who earn 80% less of the median family income as established under HUD guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have to own the home? What about contract for deed?
The applicant must own and occupy the home. This program is only available to single-family homeowners.
I own a rental house in the neighborhood that needs work. Can I apply?
No, the program is only open to owner-occupied single family homeowners.
Does my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend have to sign the agreement?
Anyone named on the deed to the home must sign the agreement. If your partner’s name appears on the deed, he or she is also party to the agreement.
My contractor wants a deposit. Can I put money down to hold the bid?
If your contractor requires a deposit, that down payment may be considered part of the homeowner match. Additional documentation is required; please talk with City of Springfield’s Office of Planning & Economic Development (OPED) staff for more information.
How do I hire a contractor to do the work?
Improvements made to owner-occupied single family homes with a grant of $15,000 or below requires three bids from different contractors. You may accept the lowest qualified bidder.
I have a contract and the work is finished; when do I get my check?
Submit the documentation of inspection and a copy of the contractor’s invoice to OPED. The city can take up to 30 days to review invoices. The city typically takes about two weeks to process payments.
I used the grant to replace my roof and discovered that my chimney needs repair. Can I apply for more money?
Yes! The maximum grant to a homeowner is $15,000. A homeowner may apply more than one time, as long as the total grant from the city does not exceed $15,000 and there is still money available in the fund.
Citywide Exterior Rehabilitation Program Form
Owner and Property Information
Please provide an accurate email address as this will be the primary method of contact.
Year Home built
All Names listed on Deed of Record
Note: All owners listed on the deed will be required to sign the grant agreement.
Describe the work to be completed and if the current situation is hazardous. Please include an estimated budget for each item. You will be asked to provide at least two bids for each the project if selected.
Your household’s total annual gross income (before deductions):
*Income information is only used to find additional funding resources available at the City
The number of persons living in your household:
Provide Name, Relationship, age and gender for all people living in your household:
Please review the following and check each box:
I certify that I, the applicant, is current on federal, state, and local tax payments.
I certify that the information contained in this application is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that any willful misrepresentation on this statement could result in a fine and/or imprisonment under provision of the United States Criminal Code U.S.C. Title 18, Section 1001 provides: “Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States, knowingly and willfully falsifies or makes false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representation, or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.”
All Boxes must be checked in order to Submit Application.
By typing my name below, I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Citywide Exterior Rehabilitation Program Message
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