Lead Hazard Remediation Assistance Program


To address lead hazards in homes throughout the community, the City of Springfield is awarding housing funds to qualified applicants to help cover the cost of lead hazard remediation. This program is available to both owner-occupied homes and privately-owned rental units with four or less units.

  Community Advocates: We Need Your Help!

The City of Springfield has a critical need for Lead Abatement Contractors. There is a large number of families with lead in their homes waiting for assistance. If you are a Licensed Lead Abatement Contractor looking for work please call The Office of Planning and Economic Development (217) 789-2377 today to get registered to bid on projects for the City.

The City is partnering with various community agencies to help share information about the Get the Lead Out grant program and to help individuals pre-qualify for the program. Please watch the brief webinar to learn on how you can assist residents through the pre-qualification process.

If you have questions about becoming a partner or need materials to share with your clients, staff, or organization about Get the Lead Out, please contact the City’s Office of Planning & Economic Development at 217.789.2377 or email Info.OPED@springfield.il.us.


  • The property must be within the City of Springfield corporate limits and have lead hazards.
  • The applicant must own and have lived in the property for at least one year.
  • Rental units are also eligible. The rental property cannot have more than four (4) rental units.
  • Contract-for-Deed purchasers are not eligible.
  • The property must be built before 1978.
  • The property must have property insurance.
  • The applicant must not owe debt to the City of Springfield (e.g. past due CWLP bill, parking violation).
  • Have an expectant mother residing in the home or have children under the age of 6 residing in the home or visiting 3 hours per day, 2 days per week, or 60 hours per year.


Priority will be given to:

  • Households with children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels, pregnant women, or those with children ages six years or younger;
  • Properties located with an Opportunity Zone; and
  • Low- to moderate-income Census tracks.


City residents wishing to apply for Lead Hazard Remediation Assistance must first submit a Prescreening Questionnaire HERE to see if you qualify.

Please email the completed questionnaire to info@OPED@springfield.il.us.

You may also call the City at (217) 789-2377 to answer the questions over the phone. Please review the questionnaire and gather information together before calling

Paper prescreening questionnaires can be submitted to the Economic and Community Development Department using the address below. You can print the paper application HERE.

Office of Planning and Economic Development
Attention: Community Development
800 E. Monroe, Room 108
Springfield, Il 62701

If you qualify, you will be scheduled to attend an Intake meeting where you will fill out a complete application and provide required documentation. You will be notified of the optional dates and times after you are prequalified for the program.

Note: This program is subject to available funds and federal authorization. Federal funding sources require the mitigation of lead hazards. The extent of mitigation is dependent on the amount of federal funds provided and the work required.


(Additional documentation may be required to determine program eligibility)

  • Most Recent Federal Tax Return
  • Verification of Income (3months paystubs, Social Security award letter, Pension)
  • Bank Statements (3 moths of current bank statements for all checking and savings accounts)
  • Mortgage Statement & 12 month payment history
  • Proof of Home Insurance
  • Utility Verification (Current CWLP & Ameren Bill)
  • Property owner must qualify under HUD income guidelines.
  • Owner occupied or privately owned residences only. If privately owned, the renter/applicant must qualify under the HUD income guideline