Conventional Subdivisions
- Location and Sketch Maps: The purpose of the location and sketch map is to determine the suitability of the site for subdividing and subsequent development measured by conformance with the 2037 Springfield Comprehensive Plan, effect on natural resources, ability to provide adequate services to the site, and general conformance with the goals identified with the City of Springfield Subdivision Ordinance. The location and sketch map is the first and most important phase of the development process
- Preliminary Plan: The preliminary plan is the second phase of the development process and is intended to provide a detailed layout of the proposed subdivision showing the location of public improvements, lots, drainage and phasing of the development
- Final Plat: The final plat is intended to provide the accurate location of lots, monuments and property dedicated for public use.
Minor Subdivisions
A minor subdivision is the creation of a total of three lots (counting the remainder of the original tract from which the lots are created) which front along an existing public road and involves minimal public improvements. The minor subdivision process consists of a location map and a final plat. Only one minor subdivision shall be allowed for any parcel of record existing March 24, 1987. If two lots have been created from a parcel of record after said date, all additional divisions at a later time shall follow the conventional subdivision process.
Site Development Plans
A site development plan is required when shared access easements are the only means of access to a proposed development. However, a site development plan will not be required if the access easement has been platted through the subdivision process and the construction details for the shared access drive have been approved.
Large Scale Development Plans
A large scale development plan is a form of subdivision of land which involves the development of any residential, office, commercial, industrial or mobile home development consisting of more than 12 acres, regardless of the number of structures.
The large scale development plan review is intended to provide a coordinated review of complex large projects to ensure that applicable public health and safety standards, subdivision and zoning requirements are met, as well as to determine the suitability of the site for the proposed development and to identify infrastructure needs and potential problems that may be encountered.
Planned Unit Developments
Planned unit developments are a form of subdivision of land that allows the development of ten or more acres of land with variations of some of the restrictions of standard zoning and subdivision regulations.