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Office of Public Works - Sewer Division

The City of Springfield, Office of Public Works, Sewer Division operates and maintains the sanitary sewer collection system within the City of Springfield. The collection system consists of approximately 140 miles of Combined Sewers and 355 miles of Separate Sanitary Sewers. Flows from the collection system are transported to wastewater treatment facilities operated and maintained by the Springfield Metro Sanitary District.

Northeast Area Pilot Sewer Investigation - Public Information Meeting July 27, 2023

Please click here to view the meeting presentation.
This program provides financial assistance to eligible public or private applicants for the design and construction of a wide variety of projects that protect or improve the quality of Illinois’ water resources. The IEPA assist applicants with projects that address human health and failing water infrastructure. Eligible projects include new drinking water or wastewater infrastructure construction; upgrading or rehabilitating existing infrastructure; storm water-related projects that benefit water quality; and a variety of other projects that protect or improve the quality of Illinois’s rivers, streams, and lakes. The IEPA historical list of borrowers includes the state’s largest city, as well as, many small communities and water districts with populations less than 1,000 people.”

Current Project(s):

Sanitary Sewer Emergency


Monday - Friday 7 am - 3 pm: 217.789.2244
All Other Times: 217.789.2246

Report that you are experiencing a sanitary sewer emergency. Back up sewer lines, line breaks, sewage odors and overflowing manholes are considered an emergency.

A sewer maintenance crew will be dispatched to investigate the cause of the sewer problem. If the cause of the problem is determined to be within the private lateral and not within the City sewer main, you will be instructed to contact a plumber or sewer cleaning service. The City does not have the ability to clean private lateral lines.

Public Notification

The City of Springfield is required through the USEPA Administrative Order to post information concerning Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's). SSO's are defined as when sewage leaves the sanitary sewer system due to a problem or failure of the city owned sewer main. Basement backups caused by problems in private laterals are not considered SSO's. Residents in affected areas are cautioned to avoid contact with untreated sewage.

Overflow Reports for this Year


City of Springfield MS4 Permit

As part of the City of Springfield’s MS4 Permit, several best management practices include public outreach and education. To promote the City’s efforts in maintaining compliance with the requirements of the NPDES permit, the EPA has recommended utilizing the City’s web content to post the Notice of Intent, Storm Water Management Plan, and Annual MS4 Reports. A PDF link to each items is include within this section. In addition to the recommended content, also included is a link to Illinois EPA’s website which lists all Notice of Intent applications for Construction Activities with regards to Storm Water Permitting.

Annual MS4 Reports

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Contractor Pre-Qualification

The City of Springfield has implemented a prequalification procedure for contractors to bid on sewer work. We ask that all prospective bidders complete the required information.
Prequalification Documents

These documents should be completed and returned to:

City of Springfield
Office of Public Works
Room 203 Municipal Center West
300 South Seventh Street
Springfield, IL 62701
Attention: Sewer Engineer

In order for bids to be opened on any sewer project, the contractor must have approved pre-qualification status with the Office of Public Works. Prequalification status must be updated on an annual basis. These documents are confidential and will be kept as such. Subsequent to approval of the pre-qualification documents by the Office of Public Works, you will be notified of your eligibility to do work with the City, along with a renewal date for prequalification.

If you have any questions regarding the prequalification procedure, please feel free to call our office at 217.789.2260.

City of Springfield Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement Programs

The City of Springfield currently offers a reimbursement to residents who wish to retrofit the plumbing in their houses to reduce the possibility of basement backups. The current program provides for a reimbursement of 75% or up to $3500 of the cost to modify the plumbing. This typically involves installing a sewage ejection pit in the basement to pump sewer flows from the basement level up to about three feet below the ground level outside of the house. More details concerning this program can be found in the program packet below.

Overhead Sewer Program Packet - 07/31/23

This document describes the Service Sewer Reimbursement Program of structural breaks within the City right of way managed by the Office of Public Works in accordance with the Springfield, Illinois, Code of Ordinances >> TITLE V: - PUBLIC WORKS >> CHAPTER 51. – SEWERS >> ARTICLE III. SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION Section 51.23

Service Sewer Reimbursement Program Packet - 07/31/23