All applicants for Electrical Apprentice must take the NJATC’s Electrical Training Alliance online test. Candidates may learn more about the test and use a prep guide available here
This test must be taken prior to submitting an application for an electrical apprenticeship with CWLP. Candidates must score a 6 or better and meet all other minimum qualifications to be considered for an interview. This score will be valid for a period of 24 months from the date of testing. Those with a prior passing test score within the past 24 months from the final date to apply will be accepted if proof is provided. Additionally, any current apprentice and/or journeyman level electrician who is in or has completed an accredited apprenticeship, which required a score of 6 or better on the Electrical Training Alliance test for entrance into said program, and can provide supporting documentation, does not have to take this test to be eligible to submit an application.
Throughout the year, CWLP JATC will offer testing sessions at CWLP’s facility located at 2730 Old Rochester Road in Springfield. Upcoming session dates include:
- Thursday, February 13
- Thursday, March 13
To sign up for testing, make request to: or call 217-757-8520 ext. 2226. Additional exam dates could be added dependent upon applicant interest. Scheduling will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Testing will be limited to 12 candidates per session and each session must be filled prior to another session opening. Candidates should arrive 15 minutes early to sign in.
Per the Electrical Training Alliance (ETA) standards, the candidate cannot reschedule to take another test at this location, or any other location conducting the ETA test, for a period of 91 days from the date of their last attempted test. Failure to comply will result in disqualification from the test, and the candidate will have to wait an additional 90 days to reschedule.
Testing will be conducted at 2730 Old Rochester Road. Signage will be displayed on where to park and which door to enter for the day of testing.
A photo ID and payment of $15 in the form of cash or check made out to the “Joint Apprentice Training Committee” is required at check in for the test. No electronic forms of payment will be accepted.
Financial Hardship Waivers for the exam will be granted to individuals who qualify under the WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines. To request a waiver, applicants must provide their 2023 Federal income tax return, in addition to their last two paycheck stubs for ALL family members working and living in their household that they support. If you have not yet filed the 2023 tax return, then applicants must submit their 2022 tax return. This information must be delivered to the City of Springfield’s Office of Human Resources located at 300 S. Seventh Street, Room 309. Applicants will be notified if the waiver is approved.
No electronic devices are allowed to enter the testing facility. Phones, smart watches, and any other electronic devices may not be in candidate’s possession inside the facility for testing.