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Bruns Lane

Jefferson to North Grand Avenue

Residents were invited to attend a public open house on October 5, 2022, to learn more about proposed changes to Bruns Lane from Jefferson Street to North Grand Avenue. The exhibits that were presented that evening are now available below. Please scroll through each link since there are multiple pages for each phase. After viewing the proposed improvements, you may submit your comments and feedback to Comments will be accepted through Friday, October 14 at 5:00 p.m

This fall (2022), the City of Springfield’s Office of Public Works is performing an asphalt overlay on Bruns Lane from Jefferson Street to North Grand Avenue. In 2023, Public Works will complete an asphalt overlay from North Grand Avenue to Veterans Parkway.

The existing typical section is a four (4) lane section, with two lanes in each direction - north and south. In order to improve safety, the City is planning on performing a road diet as part of the improvements. The proposed road diet converts a road to a three (3) lane segment consisting of two (2) through lanes, a center, bidirectional turn lane, and bike lanes.

The type of accidents, as well as the overall Average Daily Traffic County (ADT) are similar to that of the Walnut Street Safety Improvements Project from South Grand Avenue to Capitol Avenue, therefore it should have a similar effect on Bruns Lane. The ADT is based on the traffic count located on the Illinois Department of Transportation website.

Road diets are a low cost solution resulting in traffic calming effects as well as inviting bicycle and pedestrian accommodations along the corridor.

The following are the proposed improvements for Bruns Lane. Please review and share your comments via email to Questions? Please contact the Office of Public Works at 217.789.2255.