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Open Government

Welcome to the City of Springfield’s Open Government page. We continually strives to better serve our residents. One way is by providing information that keeps our residents informed about the day-to-day operations within the City including financials, budgets, salaries, and the Inspector General.

City of Springfield FY 2025 Budget

The City of Springfield’s fiscal year runs March 1 through February 28. The current fiscal year is considered FY 2025. The City of Springfield’s new budget was passed on Tuesday, March 06, 2024.


For more detailed budget information, please contact the Office of Budget and Management at 217.789.2191. Complete line item budgets are also available to view at the Springfield City Clerk’s Office, 300 S. Seventh Street, and at Lincoln Public Library, 326 S. Seventh Street.

Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Treasurer's Monthly Cash Report for Corporate Funds


    For archived Treasurer's Monthly Cash Reports for Corporate Funds, please visit the Springfield Treasurer's Website.